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This App note shows how to setup a workspace to release snapshots and stage releases. It uses the OSGi enRoute bundles project and API project as example since these are released to Maven Central this way.
We are using Github and Travis for the Git support and continuous integration support.
This App Note expects that you have experience in working with Git, Bndtools, and Travis.
This App Note assumes the following minimum versions:
Make sure your reflect at least bnd 3.3.0
The release strategy that we think is the best is to release snapshots on every commit via a continuous integration build. That is, never a build on your local system. Once the snapshots are working, we change the version to the release version, tag the build, commit. The build that is then triggered should release to a staging repository. We then verify the staged repository, sign it, and release it.
1 Set the version to a snapshot version 2 Compile, edit, debug 3 Commit to git 4 Trigger a build on travis by pushing 5 Release the workspace projects as snapshots 6 Repeat from step 1
Once the snapshots are ready for release:
1 Set the version to a release version 2 Tag the repository with the version 3 Build locally to verify all is ok 4 Commit to git 5 Tag the repository 5 Create a staging repository on Nexus or drop an existing one (you can only have one) 5 Push the repository 6 Verify the results of the staging repo (this will fail because they are not signed) 7 Sign the staging repo from the command line 8 Close the staging repo on Nexus (might trigger rules) 9 Release the staging repo on Nexus
The OSGi Alliance has a number of repositories on Maven Central to release its artifacts. Anybody can see these repositories on the OSS Sonatype Repository Manager.
The OSGi has the following repositories:
The given URLs are the URLs under which the artifacts are made available, the deploy artifacts can differ.
In this case we assume the ogsi.enroute
workspace. This workspace has a number
of bundles that must be released to Maven Central.
On Travis, we’ve connected a build server to this repository.
If you make your own workspace then make sure it is stored on Github and and that it is automatically build by Travis. The Base Tutorial shows you how to set this up.
To release to Maven Central we need to setup a Maven repository in a bnd workspace.
The following settings in, for example cnf/build.bnd
should do this for you: \
aQute.bnd.repository.maven.provider.MavenBndRepository; \
snapshotUrl=; \
releaseUrl=; \
index=${.}/osgi-nexus.maven; \
-releaserepo: OSGiNexus
Notice that the staging URL is fixed and has no specific name. Nexus will create a new temporary staging repository based on the group name.
The snapshotUrl
maps directly to our snapshot repository. All projects that have a
version that ends in -SNAPSHOT
are automatically stored in the snapshot repository.
The releaseUrl
is, however, quite different from the content URL. The reason
is that we create a special staging repository. This will be discussed later.
You can find more information about the plugin in the manual.
This is one of the few places in open source where we need credentials.
What credentials should you use? You could use the credentials you have on Nexus but that is dangerous. If someone can access then they can do harm. For this reason Nexus can create user tokens. These user tokens can be withdrawn at any time.
You access or create a user token by logging into Nexus. Then select the user
profile by clicking on your user id. Select Profile
. THen click on the popup
menu and select User Token
. You will have to log in again. You can create
a new user token or reset an existing token. These tokens (a base 64 encoded
string) should be used as credentials.
The easiest way is to provide the credentials through the bnd settings. However, we want to release from Travis. This requires a bit more work because that means that we need to handle the secrets through an open source repository and build system.
Travis has a facility to encrypt environment variables and that is what we use. We can access these environment variables from any bnd file.
So to encrypt the environment variables we have to do the following:
osgi.enroute $ travis encrypt \
This adds some magic to the .travis.yml file. Since this is encrypted, we can safely store this in Git.
sudo: false
language: java
- oraclejdk8
- "./gradlew --version"
- "./gradlew --continue build release"
- git status
- "$HOME/.gradle"
secure: h3TeZlSXo5RaHjd4q2rSj+xVoxiQmZAFY9QoGAjvFkogn5+PBIwbbQ08TBESrz2v+R1mRum5AoV3SRvohzWorXIBVWXM0N+/jhEWQ41UImJv3RrW87vN5v/gUmIjIXIUJx2w+6PzLpvhroD2un7UeQ29N5rNYj65xjYcKNmCQaE=
In the build.bnd file we can distinguish between a local build (no password) and a
remote build (password). We then use this information to set the credentials in the
file. This is a bit of bnd macro magic.
-connection-settings: \
${if;${pwd};server;-dummy}; \
id=; \
username=${usr}; \
password=${pwd}, \
What it does is to create a server credentials block or a dummy if no credentials are there.
Note that if we set the REPOSITORY_PASSWORD
environment variables
in the shell we can also release from the command line.
All projects in the osgi.enroute
workspace are sharing the same version. That is, we release
all artifacts with a single version. We there set the Bundle-Version header in cnf/build.bnd
base.version: 2.0.0
Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp}-SNAPSHOT
As long as the projects in the workspace do not override the Bundle-Version header, they will all inherit this version.
For normal builds we set the -SNAPSHOT
extension, the Maven Bnd Repository uses that,
just like Maven, as a signifier for releasing to the snapshot repository.
The POM is generated by bnd. It uses as much information as possible from the
OSGi manifest headers. However, it needs to know the groupId
-groupid: org.osgi
We also want to make sure the version for Maven is consistently formatted. In OSGi versions can be written differently but are the same version, in Maven a version is an opaque identifier. We therefore canonicalize the version.
-pom: version=${versionmask;===s;${@version}}
The ${@version}
is set by the pom generator when this macro is expanded. It
is the version calculated for the bundle itself. This allows us to
slightly tweak the version. We are using the major, minor, and micro part but
then only add the snapshot part if present. We ignore the qualifier. This is a
timestamp and does not work well with Maven.
The POM generator uses the following Manifest headers to create the POM.
elementAn example of headers that work:
Bundle-Vendor: OSGi Alliance
Bundle-Copyright: ${copyright}
Bundle-License:; \
link=""; \
description="Apache License, Version 2.0"
Bundle-SCM: url=, \
connection=scm:git:, \
Bundle-Developers: osgi; \; \
name="OSGi Alliance"; \
organization="OSGi Alliance"
The Bundle-SCM and Bundle-Developers headers are not OSGi standardized but they are necessary to release to Maven Central.
Release a non-snapshot release will automatically create the javadoc and sources jars.
environment variables
then we can test our build from the command line with gradle.
osgi.enroute $ export REPOSITORY_USERNAME=john
osgi.enroute $ export REPOSITORY_PASSWORD=doe
osgi.enroute $ ./gradlew release
:osgi.enroute.base.api:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:osgi.enroute.base.api:processResources UP-TO-DATE
:osgi.enroute.base.api:classes UP-TO-DATE
The release process will add a new snapshot to the remote repository!
Now this works, we can easily do this from Travis. Just commit your workspace. You can then go to Travis to see your workspace build:
Nexus supports staging releases. This means that we release to a temporary repository which we can then later release on the Nexus GUI.
Before you begin, you should make sure there is no staging repository for your build already available. If so, it should be dropped.
First we need to change the version of the repository to non-SNAPSHOT. We change
base.version: 2.0.0
Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp}
We commit the changes, set a tag and push
osgi.enroute $ git add .
osgi.enroute $ git commit -m "
osgi.enroute $ git tag v2.0.0
osgi.enroute $ git push
This will trigger a Travis build that will send the workspace’s bundles to Nexus.
After Travis has released the artifacts to Nexus, we need to look them up in
Nexus. When you’re logged into Nexus you can go to the staging repositories.
You can search for the repositories you want, in our case osgi
For example, we’ve implicitly created the repository orgosgi-1090
We can then list the files from the command lines with bnd:
osgi.enroute $ bnd nexus -u files
The release on Travis will not sign the files because this would require the GPG key to be present on Travis which is not a good idea. This key is a personal key.
We can now sign the files with bnd:
osgi.enroute $ bnd nexus -u sign
Password: ....
The sign command will download all files and sign them locally. It then uploads the asc
to nexus. This keeps your GPG key local.
On nexus you can now close the staging repository. This could trigger rules, which might fail. If they fail, you might have to start over.
Once you’ve been able to close the staging repository then you can release it via Nexus.
You now have to change the cnf/build.bnd
file to go to the next version:
base.version: 2.1.0
Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp}-SNAPSHOT
Commit this to git to start the next snapshot build. You might want to cleanup the snapshot versions from Nexus.